To file a trademark application in Bangladesh, you can either submit the application online or in paper form at the trademark office in Dhaka. The Bangladesh trademark office follows the 10th edition of the NICE Classification and has a list of accepted goods and services. You can file a trademark application in classes 1-34 for goods or classes 35-45 for services. However, the trademark office only accepts single class applications.
If you are a signatory of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, you can file a convention application and claim priority in Bangladesh. To do so, you will need to provide a certified copy of the priority document, which can be filed within 3 months of filing the application in Bangladesh.
You can file a trademark application in Bangladesh on an intent-to-use basis or by claiming use of the trademark in Bangladesh. The application will be examined on absolute and relative grounds to determine whether it can be granted protection. If the application is accepted, it will be published in the trademarks journal and be open to opposition for a period of 2 months. This opposition period can be extended by an additional three months by requesting extensions of one month at a time.
The registration of a trademark is valid for 7 years and can be renewed every 10 years. You can file an application to renew a trademark registration at any time within 6 months before the expiration of the registration or last renewal. Late renewal is also possible within 6 months after the expiration date. You can also request a restoration of the registration within 1 year of the expiration date, as long as you do so within 6 months of the expiration.
If a trademark has not been used for 5 years prior to filing a cancellation petition, you can request to remove the trademark from the register on the grounds of non-use. You can also record the assignment of trademarks, change the name or address of the applicant or proprietor, or register user agreements. You can also request amendments to the registered trademark as long as the changes do not substantially alter the identity of the mark or the specification of goods and services covered by the registration.
Using the ® symbol on an unregistered trademark, manufacturing, importing, or selling counterfeit goods are offenses punishable under Bangladeshi law. Legal action can be taken before the District Courts or the High Court of Bangladesh.
To file a new trademark or service mark application, you will need to provide certain information and documents. This includes your name, address, and incorporation or nationality details; a depiction of the trademark in jpg or png format; a description of the goods or services; and any translations or transliterations of the trademark into English. If you are claiming priority, you will need to provide the priority application number, filing date, and priority country.
To make changes to an existing trademark or service mark, you will need to provide similar information and documents as for a new application. In addition, you will need to specify the changes being requested and provide any necessary supporting documents.
Editorial Staff
Editorial Staff at Selvam and Selvam is a team of Lawyers, Interns and Staff with expertise in Intellectual Property Rights led by Raja Selvam.
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