
An application to register a trademark in Bangladesh can be filed online or by paper at the trademark offices in Dhaka.

The Bangladesh trademark office follows the 10th edition of the NICE Classification in addition to a list of goods and services maintained by the Bangladesh Trademarks Office. The registration of marks is acceptable in classes 1 – 34 in respect of goods and classes 35 – 45 in respect of services. The Bangladesh trademark office accepts only single class applications.

Being a signatory of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, one can file convention applications claiming priority in Bangladesh. A certified copy of the priority document is necessary for claiming priority. The same can be filed within 3 months from the date of filing the application in Bangladesh.

An application in Bangladesh can be filed on an intent to use basis or by claiming use of the trademark in Bangladesh.

A trademark application filed in Bangladesh is examined on absolute and relative grounds to determine whether it can be granted protection. The response to the objections should be filed within 3 months from the date of receipt of the examination report. When the application is accepted by the trademark office, it is published in the trademarks journal and is open to opposition for a period of 2 months from the date of publication. This opposition period can be extended by another three months by extension of 1 month at a time.

The registration of the trademark is valid for a period of 7 years and renewable every 10 years. An application for renewing a trademark registration can be filed at any time during the 6 months prior to the expiration of the registration/last renewal validity. Late renewal is also possible after the expiry and within 6 months from the validity date. A restoration of the registration is possible after 6 months but before 1 year from the validity date of the registration.

A cancellation petition on the grounds of non-use can be filed to remove a trademark from the register, if the mark has not been used for 5 years one month prior to file the cancellation petition.

Recording the assignment of trademarks with or without the goodwill of the business, change of name and/or address of the applicant/proprietor, registered user agreements are possible. Amendments to the registered trademark without substantially altering the identity of the mark or the specification of goods and services covered by the registration of the trademark is also possible.

Use of the ® symbol on unregistered trademark, manufacture, import or sale of counterfeit goods, are offences punishable under the laws in Bangladesh. Legal action can be initiated before the District Courts or High Court of Bangladesh.

Fact Sheet:

Priority application Yes
Late submission of priority docs 3 months
Multi Class application No
Service marks Yes
Classification of goods/services Nice Classification - 10th Edition
Trademark in use Not necessary. Can be filed on a proposed to be used basis.
Application for renewal Can be filed 6 months prior to expiry date
Renewal with surcharge
Restoration with surcharge 1 year
Renewal Valid for 10 years
Absolute grounds Yes
Relative grounds Yes
Deadline to respond to examination report 3 months
Hearing before the examiner
Appeal against the examiner's order Yes - to high court
Publication in the trademarks journal Yes
Publication fees Yes
Open for opposition 2 months
Registration fee
Registration 7 years from the date of application
Cancellation for non use Yes
Cancellation on Non Use grounds 5 years from the date of registration


All information/documents are to be in English or a certified/notarized translated copy of the same in English in the form of an affidavit is required.

Required information:

  1. Name, address and the incorporation/nationality particulars of the applicant.
  2. The depiction of the trademark (word or label in jpg/png format). If the mark is a lable/logo then the same cannot exceed 10cm x 10cm in size.
  3. Description of goods/services.
  4. In case the mark is claiming colors/color combination, then a clear indication and /name(s) of the colors used.
  5. If the trademark is in any other language other than English then a translation/transliteration of the same in English with a sworn statement.
  6. In case priority is claimed, the priority application number, filing date and the priority country.

Required documents:

  1. Power of attorney in original. Notarization/legalization is not required. The POA should also be signed by two witnesses whose names and addresses should be given. Individual POA is necessary for each application. Applications cannot be filed without the POA.In case priority is claimed a certified copy of the priority document. The priority document can also be submitted within three months from the date of filing the application in Sri Lanka.

Required documents:

  1. Power of attorney in original. Notarization/legalization is not required. The POA can also be submitted on a later date after filing the application.
  2. Certified copy of the name change document in English or a verified translation of the same in English.

Required documents:

  1. Power of attorney in original. Notarization/legalization is not required. The POA can also be submitted on a later date after filing the application.
  2. Notarized copy of the assignment deed containing clear information about the Indian trademark application(s), valid consideration and mention of the transfer of goodwill or certified copy of the merger document in English or a verified translation of the same in English.
  3. An affidavit of no pending litigation and in support of the transmission of rights
  4. A statement of case of ownership change

Required documents:
Power of attorney in original. Notarization/legalization is not required. The POA can also be submitted on a later date after filing the application.

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