A trademark once registered in Sri Lanka, is valid for a period of 10 years from the date of filing of the application or from the date of last renewal, as the case maybe.
A trademark can be renewed in Sri Lanka by filing the request on Form M05 and paying the renewal fee. The request to renew the mark in Sri Lanka can be filed a year prior to the date of expiration of the mark.
The fee to be paid in order to renew a mark in Sri Lanka is Lankan Rupees (LKRs). 3450 for individual owners and LKRs. 4600 for Others. In case of a collective and certification mark, the renewal fee is LKRs. 5750.
In case of failure to renew the mark within the period of validity, the option of renewal with surcharge can be availed within 6 months from the expiry date. The surcharge for such renewal is 10% of the fee.
The laws in Sri Lanka do not have a provision for the restoration of a trademark. In simpler terms, one cannot renew or continue to enjoy rights over a mark if they have failed to renew it within the validity period or 6 months after the expiration of that validity period.
This write up has been authored by Aiswarya Kameswaran.
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Editorial Staff at Selvam and Selvam is a team of Lawyers, Interns and Staff with expertise in Intellectual Property Rights led by Raja Selvam.