
Caught in the cross-hairs of the WIPO & Indian Trademark Office

The procedure and timeline to obtain registration for a trademark have evolved over time.  After the amendment of 2017, the entire timeline has become quite stricter and quicker. We have all seen a lot of positive changes happening in the IP regime, however, there are still areas where we lag and…

What’s in a Surname – Trademarking Surnames

Surnames & Trademarks Businesses in India have often been started by using the surname or family name of the person starting such business. This practise has been followed in India for a very long time and such practice of adopting a surname for the name of the business is done purely so that…

Designating India in your IR trademark application with the ® Registered symbol

Time upon time, the significance of the ® (registered symbol) and the ™ symbol have been reiterated in our posts in our blog. The basic picture being ™ can be used with a trademark by entities to showcase and declare that the said mark is being used by the Applicant as a trademark in respect of…

Understanding the Scrutiny Report or Discrepancy Notice issued by the Trademark Office in India

Scrutiny Report or Discrepancy Notice If the Trademark Office finds that any documents/forms submitted with respect to a trademark application require additional clarification and substantiation by document submission or the appropriate documents have not been filed, a notice is issued detailing…

faq's on use of trademark in india

FAQ's about USE of a trademark in India

Concept of USE of a trademark in India - Frequently Asked Questions The “USE” of a trademark in India plays a very important role in obtaining the registration of a trademark in India, prevail in opposition proceedings and to effectively enforce the rights of the trademark in India. In this post,…

Trading Trademarks – Assignments, Mergers, and Transmissions

Assignments, Mergers, and Transmissions of trademarks Trademarks, like all intellectual property, are an integral part of a modern business’ assets. It is not uncommon nowadays for the value of a business’ IP to far exceed its physical assets. Like any asset, trademarks can also be bought, sold,…