Trademark Application Status – “Sent back to EDP” or “Formality check pass/fail” in India – Explained
This is a very simple and preliminary stage wherein the Trademark Office asserts that all the formalities required to be observed while filing a trademark application have successfully been observed by the applicant and the application would soon proceed to the next level. The formalities here might imply submission of appropriate information or documents like Power of Attorney. If the status shows “formality check fail,” it naturally implies that there is some deficiency in observing the…
Who owns the copyright in a movie? The director or the producer?
A movie has different elements that make it what it is. You have the story line (which is understood through the dialogues and the script), the sound tracks that enhance the movie experience as a whole, the costumes and the choices of location, and of course the acting. Therefore, a great deal of effort from many different persons makes a good movie. The question that often arises is, does the movie as a whole receive intellectual protection or can its constituent parts also be protected? Who…
Joint ownership of a trademark in India
The joint ownership of a trademark is possible within the Indian Legislative framework. However, it represents an unusual construct in that the very concept of a joint ownership is counter to the fundamental purpose of a trademark. A trademark usually serves as a designation of origin from a single entity or person. The usual policy is to have a jointly owned single entity owning the mark. When there is joint ownership of a trademark, however, joint owners of a trademark likely have to…
Indian Trademarks Registry publishes its list of Classification of Goods and Services
Up until now, after the 2013 amendment to the Trademarks Rules of 2003, we were required to follow “current edition” of the NICE classification of goods and services as published by WIPO which meant that we were following the tenth edition of NICE Classification this year. Recently, however, the Trademarks Registry published its list of classification of goods and services as required by Section 8 of the Trademarks Act, 1999.
How to file a trademark application in India?
My earlier post on how to register a trademark in India discussed the requirements and in brief the options you have to file an application for registration of a trademark in India. Over the last few weeks I have been receiving several emails and messages from entrepreneurs and start-ups enquiring about how the trademark registration process works in India and why even an IT major would find the Indian online trademark filing system complicated. Unfortunately I do not have an easy answer but I…
Shopping with a Trademark Lawyer
“What the hell are you doing?” was what I heard from my wife which jolted me, shook my phone and got the photo blurred. When I looked up, I realised that there were quite a few people staring at me. Sure this is India and there are hundreds of people stopping and staring at things at any given time, but I guess I did look strange. I was down on my knees trying to take a photograph of a pack of sanitary napkins from the bottom most shelves in the local supermarket. In my defence the packaging…
Choosing the right brand name for your startup
Identifying and choosing a suitable business/brand name is perhaps the first and the most important step towards creating your very own startup. A lot of time and effort goes into searching for and settling on a suitable name, and its equally, if not more important to protect that name. A brand name that you chose is not merely a name, but a reflection of the ideas, thoughts and relevance of the business symbolized by designs, logos, patterns, colours etc,.
Indian Trademark Office re-initiates special drive to dispose post registration requests
The Indian Trademark Office has once again initiated a special drive from December 2013 to January 2014 for disposal of requests for recordal of post registration changes of registered Trademarks. The original notification is available here. The first such special drive was initiated earlier this year in January 2013 and after postponing it several times was put into action in March 2013. However, only a limited number of applications were cleared during this drive.
Indian Patent Law basics – Importance of filing the Statement of Working of Patents in India
November 15, 2013PatentsStatement of Working of Patents in India
If you ask any patent agent or attorney to explain the concept of patents in two words, they will tell you that it is an “exclusionary right”. As is true in law and life, with rights come duties and responsibilities. So when you are given the right to exclude others from making your patent accessible to the public without your permission, you are obligated to ensure that you make your patent accessible to the public.
Copyright for Everyone
At the risk of over-simplifying things and shooting myself in the foot, copyright is the stream of intellectual property law that protects individual’s creative work. Take for example when you are enjoying a meal at a restaurant; if you were to stop and think about it, copyright exists in the music playing in the background, the menu, the recipe of the food on the table, the design on the table cloth, the photographs on the wall, the software on their system which calculates and prints out the…