Making the right Trademark “Choice”
The Plaintiff had filed a suit for permanent injunction restraining the defendant from selling, distributing, advertising or dealing in alcoholic beverages especially Indian made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) or goods of any description bearing trade mark 'Collector's Choice' or any other mark deceptively similar to plaintiff's trade mark 'Officer's Choice'.
3 Things your Marketing Team needs to know about Trademarks
Lawyers in general are not the most loved people on the planet. There is always a sense of caution when we’re dealt with. It’s also probably why the legal profession has two patron saints St. Ives and St. Thomas Moore (must be twice as difficult for us to get into heaven). Anyway leaving God and the Saints out of it, in any Company (more so in an FMCG one) the In-House legal team is generally disliked to a great extent by the Marketing team and are at loggerheads with each other on a fairly…
Laws concerning Internet Memes: Not so funny?
July 17, 2014Trademarks,Copyrights
A recent study conducted by ‘We Are Social’ found that despite these slow speeds, Internet users in India spend almost 5 hours on the net every day, with 40% of that time spent on social media. Going by these statistics, Indian users roughly spend about 2 hours on social media and which platform they use will probably differ based of age, profession and purpose for use. So those of us who fit this description and spend most of those 2 hours on Facebook, would have come across several internet…
Intellectual Property made easy: Trademarks vs Geographical Indicators
Champagne, Puma, Darjeeling Tea and Ford are known all over the world. A common man would recognize the given names as famous brands. On looking closely it can be realized that the above mentioned names do not belong to the same category.
Hiring distributors to sell your products in India? IPAB advises constant vigilance
The facts narrated in one of recent orders of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB) send out one clear signal: constant vigilance!
FIFA and Copyright: Online Piracy in India
There has been a lot of brouhaha over the recent judgment of the Delhi High Court, where the Court has ordered ISPs to block websites that were illegally broadcasting the FIFA World Cup in a suit filed by Multi Screen Media (MSM) Satellite claiming exclusive broadcasting rights. The initial judgment contained 472 websites, however, an order passed on July 1st named 219 websites in furtherance of an application made one of the Defendants.
Trademark Examination Reports and their Replies – Trademark Law in India
The trademark registration process, which we have covered in an earlier post is fairly straightforward. A trademark application is filed, examined by the Trademark office, either refused or allowed subject to a hearing, advertised and registered if it is not opposed. In this post I’ve decided to cover the examination process and in particular responding to an examination report.
Trademark : One for all, all fight over one.
The Petitioner Sri Darshan Kumar started a partnership firm along with Sri Ranjit Kumar Sharma (Respondent) and Sri Raj Kumar in the year 2004. In due course of the business the firm started using the mark BAWA/BAWA FEED for goods such as cattle feed, poultry feed and other allied goods. On 22nd September the respondent filed for a trademark registration for BAWA/BAWA FEED under classes 31 and 35, claiming usage of the mark from 1st April 2001. Both the applications had the address of the firm…
Trademark Application Status “Exam Report Issued” – Explained
Many a time, the online status of a mark shows ‘ exam report issued ,’ perceiving which, one might assume that it implies ‘issuance of examination report’ post examination of the mark. But in reality, the said status is being used by the Trademark Office to denote that the mark has been ordered to be advertised and is yet to be advertised.
Trademark application status ‘Objected’ Explained
July 8, 2014TrademarksResponse to Objection
The term “ objected ’ implies that the particular trademark application has been examined and a report generated as well, laying down the objections against the registrability of the mark.