We have been providing regular updates on the efforts taken by the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks (CGPDTM) to achieve complete automation and more significant, absolute transparency (some of our articles on this could be found here and here). In yet another move towards transparency, the CGPDTM has now introduced “Stock and Flow based Dynamic Trademark Utility.”
The utility, as the name suggests, is stock and flow based and facilitates us to view the total number of trademarks lying under a particular stage (of the registration process) either for a given period or as on date. For example, the number of applications “under examination” on date or within a given period could be determined. More important, the system also facilitates viewing details of all the applications in a given stage (of registration process)in a particular jurisdiction under a particular class. For example, if it is necessary to ascertain the applications under “show-cause hearing” in class 03 as on date in say Chennai jurisdiction, the same can easily be done! Trademarks with all the essential details (mark, application date, application number and status)under the chosen stage of registration(show-cause hearing in this case) in the particular jurisdiction and class will be listed.
As far as I could see, the system appears to be quite comprehensive and seems to provide (in a silver platter, so to say!) all possible details that one might want to know; be it the number of applications in each stage of the registration process in all 5 jurisdictions or essential details of all the applications in a given stage under a particular class in one particular jurisdiction. In my personal opinion, the facility is certainly a daring effort, for in a way, it is an open invite for people to analyse its efficiency and expedition and even comment upon it, if the figures shown are found unsatisfactory. But being an optimist, I choose to believe that this is the CGPDTM’s way of showing that it has indeed come a long way as far as expedition and efficiency are concerned, there would be no room for dissatisfaction whatsoever and that it is up and ready for the challenge! Well, whatever be the outcome(criticism or commendation), the CGPDTM certainly deserves appreciation for the very efforts! Hats Off and of course, still expecting more!
Raja Selvam
Founder & Managing Attorney, Selvam & Selvam | Practice areas include Trademarks, Patents, Domain names & Business law. Visiting faculty, Department of Journalism, Madras University where I teach copyrights & trademarks law. Passionate about entrepreneurship, start-ups, stocks, farming, technology and law.
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