Protection of trademark in Maldives is by way of publishing a caution notice in the local newspapers in circulation in Maldives. We have tried to address the frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) from our Clients about the trademark registration in Maldives in this post and hope you find this useful.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) about trademark registration in Maldives
- What are the laws which govern the trademark registration in Maldives?
There is no specific law that governs the trademark protection or trademark registration in Maldives.
- If there is no specific law governing trademarks or trademarks registration in Maldives?
In the Maldives, the trademarks are protected by the publication of the Cautionary notice in the newspaper in English and a local language.
- Does the trademark filing in the Maldives undergo examination?
Protection of trademarks in the Maldives does not include filing, examination and advertisement but is merely on the basis of the publication of a Trademark Cautionary Notice.
- What is a Trade Mark Cautionary Notice?
Cautionary Notice is a mere publication of a notice in the newspaper to inform the general public about the legal rights of the trademark owner.
- What are the documents required to publish the Cautionary notice in the Maldives?
There are no documents required to publish the Cautionary notice in Maldives.
- What is the information required to publish the Cautionary Notice in Maldives?
To publish a Cautionary notice the following information about the marks are required:
a. Name, address, status and nationality of the proprietor;
b. JPEG image of the mark, in case mark, is a device/logo mark;
c. Classes and specification of goods & services.
- What language should the Cautionary notice be published in?
The publication can be done in either English or local vernacular language (Dhivehi). However, it is highly recommended to publish the same in both languages.
- Can we publish multi-class applications on a single Cautionary Notice?
- How do you renew a trademark registration in Maldives?
Renewal is done by way of re-publication of the Cautionary Notice from time to time.
- How often should a mark be re-published to keep it protected in the Maldives?
Trademark owners republish the Cautionary notice at a frequency that they choose. In general, trademark owners re-publish their Cautionary notices every 3 or 5 years
- Do we necessarily have to publish the specification of the goods? Is it enough to publish just the classes?
It is advisable to publish the entire specifications of goods and services along with the classes.
- How do we record a change in name, change in proprietorship change in address or the colour scheme of the trademark registration in Maldives?
The recordal of the name change, assignment or address change is done by way of re-publishing the Cautionary notice.
- Is it possible to publish different trademarks owned by different companies in one Cautionary Notice?
- In the Cautionary Notice, what color should the mark be published in?
The mark can be published in any color. However, it is highly recommended that the mark should be published in the same color as it is used.
- How much is the official fee for the publication of the Cautionary notice?
There is no official fee for publication of the mark except the creation of the printing blocks, translations, postage and printing costs towards the publication of the trademark in the newspaper.
- How long would it take to publish the Cautionary Notice?
Publication of the Cautionary notice depends on the availability of the slot in the newspaper and can range between 3 to 15 business days.
- What is the recommended size of the publication of the Cautionary Notice?
The size of the publication will depend on the nature of the mark and the specifications of goods & services for which protection is sought. There is no limitation to the size of the notice.
- How much does it cost to publish a standard cautionary notice?
The charges of the caution notice vary depending on the number of classes, specifications and the trademark.
- Are other forms of Intellectual Property Rights protected by the publication of a cautionary notice in Maldives?
Yes, at present all forms of Intellectual Property are protected only by Cautionary Notice Publication in Maldives.
If you have any questions that we can add to this post or would like us to answer you, please drop us a message.
Feature photo by Colin Watts on Unsplash
Have questions about trademark registration in Maldives? Drop us a message.
Raja Selvam
Founder & Managing Attorney, Selvam & Selvam | Practice areas include Trademarks, Patents, Domain names & Business law. Visiting faculty, Department of Journalism, Madras University where I teach copyrights & trademarks law. Passionate about entrepreneurship, start-ups, stocks, farming, technology and law.
Trademark registration in Maldives
Protection of intellectual property such as trademarks, industrial designs, geographical indications, or patents in the Maldives is by way of…